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How to edit an existing use case#

Modify a use case#

You can modify the use cases that you created or that belong to your organization.


Modifying the input/output format of a use case could make the existing solvers to stop working.

To this:

  1. Go to the section My use cases through the left side menu
  2. Then, click on the use case you want to edit, to go to its detail page
  3. On the right side panel, click the Edit button
  4. You will get the use case edition wizzard where you can modify any information fields of the use case:
    • Use case basic information
    • Business description
    • Scientific approach
    • Input and output
    • Sample data file
  5. Click the Save button to save changes

Disable a use case#

You can also disable any of the use cases that you have created.

This action will make the use case no longer visible and usable to the rest of the users in your organization.


If you disable a use case, all the existing solvers for this use case will also be disabled.

To disable a use case:

  1. Go to the section My use cases through the left side menu
  2. Then, click on the use case you want to edit, to go to its detail page
  3. On the right side panel, click the Disable button
  4. Click OK in the pop-up dialog to confirm the action.

Enable a use case#

You can enable again a use case that you have previously disabled.

This action will make the use case visible and usable again to the rest of the users in your organization.


Enabling a use case engain does not enable the existing solvers for this use case. They will have to be enabled again by their respective creators.

To enable a use case:

  1. Go to the section My use cases through the left side menu
  2. Then, click on the use case you want to edit, to go to its detail page
  3. On the right side panel, click the Ensable button
  4. Click OK in the pop-up dialog to confirm the action.

Delete a use case#

You can delete any of the use cases that you have created.

This action will delete the use case for you and for the the rest of the users in your organization.


This action is irreversible.


If you delete a use case, all the existing solvers for this use case will be disabled and will stop working.


Instead of deleting the use case, just disable it. It will be invisible to everybody but you, and you’ll be able to re-enable it again if you want.

To delete a use case:

  1. Go to the section My use cases through the left side menu
  2. Then, click on the use case you want to edit, to go to its detail page
  3. On the right side panel, click the Disable button to first disable it
  4. Click OK in the pop-up dialog to confirm the action.
  5. When the use case is diabled, on the right side panel, click the Delete button
  6. Click OK in the pop-up dialog to confirm the action.

What’s next#

Create a solver for this use case